Your First Hamster Guide
Now that you have your hamster, here are some tips on what your hamster will need and how to take care of it.
The Most Important Things to Buy Right Away
A 40 gallon tank is the recommended size for a hamster to feel safe and comfortable in their own habitat. The California Hamster Association recommends having at least a 40 gallon tank. Tanks are preferred as they provide a large amount of space for the hamster. If you have more than one Syrian hamster, do not put them both in the same tank. Syrian hamsters are territorial and require their own space.
Aspen shavings and paper-based bedding work best for hamsters to move around and burrow in.
Hamsters require a mix of grains, meats, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. They can also eat a mix of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Water bottle
An inverted water bottle allows a hamster to access water whenever it is thirsty and does not make a mess in the tank. Water bowls can be used, but create larger messes and require more clean up.
Food dish
Hamsters need a feeding bowl that is about 3 inches in diameter. They require a bowl that is not easily tipped over and is chew proof.
A hamster needs a wheel for exercise and to remain less stressed. An 8 inch minimum wheel is recommended for Syrian hamsters, but a 10-12 inch wheel is even better to prevent back stress.